General Political

Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRIME) and Sustainable Development Goals A New Paradigm for a Multi Polar World

This is the presentation I made online to the China Association for Socially Responsible Leadership 3rd Annual Symposium on SAT 20 MAY in Shanghai. There’s plenty more on PRME and the SDGs where this came from, so please use the ‘Contact’ page to get in touch. China Association for Socially Responsible Leadership Shanghai.

We have to stop normalising the absurd: Emily Maitlis’ 2022 MacTaggart Lecture

Emily Maitlis did us all a big favour on Wednesday 24 August in her MacTaggart Lecture at the Edinburgh Festival, by exposing the ongoing Tory subborning of the BBC. For those of us who watch Channel Four and won’t watch BBC News, none of this is new. But the full text below of what she […]

Study shows that Testing, Ventilation and Masks Virtually Eliminate Covid Transmission

If you’ve had COVID, you will know it can be pretty serious. Many of us, especially teaching and meeting in poorly ventilated and crowded rooms, especially with most folk not wearing masks, believe that we should bring back some previous restrictions. If you find this difficult to accept, please look through this highly reputable research […]

“It’s time to talk about the Russell Group”

This is a significant and quite brave piece for the Higher Education Policy Institute by Mary Curnock Cook, who was Chief Executive of UCAS (the universities’ ‘clearing’ system) from 2010 to 2017. After leaving school at 16, Mary has worked her way across the UK higher education system. So she knows her trade! Following serious […]

Challenging the “Truss Legacy” of Thatcher’s Framework

During the August and September 2022 Conservative Party’s PM selection process, Liz Truss’ constant espousal and open admiration for what she describes as Margaret Thatcher’s legacy and framework shows that she really doesn’t understand what happened during this period of Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Governments between 1979 and 1992. Some of us were there and saw […]

Challenging the Legacy of Thatcher’s Framework

During the Conservative PM selection process, both Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss constantly claim to be the heirs of Thatcher. But they don’t seem to understand that the period of Margaret Thatcher and John Major in Government from 1979 to 1997 was unsuccessful in challenging or ameliorating any of Britain’s economic and social problems. Using […]

Institute for Fiscal Studies on Education and Inequality

The Institute for Fiscal Studies is not always a very progressive organisation, but its latest research on education and inequality is worth reading, espcially comparing the UK with other European and OECD countries. This is the introduction from the Institute’s media release: “Education levels have risen over time, in the UK and internationally. The share […]

Conservative Leadership Contest Infiltration by Revolutionary Community Party

Les wrote this piece for wider circulation about the infiltration of the Conservative Party Leadership Contest by the Revolutionary Communist Party. 22 ACTUAL Tory Selection Contest.Y20

Anti-racism, Materialism and the Sewell Report

See this brilliant piece by Robert Knox on how the Disraeli followers in No 10 target the Red Wall to reshape UK cultural life to accept racism. Be prepared for more on welfare, immigration and criminal justice system, followed by the Democracy Commission. In case you’ve forgotten, Disraeli was the driving force behind the […]

The Election that Could Break America

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